Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Masters and Me

It seems like this blog has taken so long to come into fruition! But finally, here we are!

My name is Ingrid and at this exact moment in time I’m feeling a little anxious, possibly even a little frightened at the concept of creating for myself a career and a life. Last December, I completed a degree in Communication and Media Studies and thought to myself, I am WAY too scared to venture into the real world and become part of a five day working ritual in which my parents and many friends have been closely following so...

HEY! Let's just do a Masters in Commerce (majoring in E Commerce) this will be fun, I can stay in part time work and enjoy the poor uni life existence in which I have been abiding by for the last three years!


I started it...Had various anxiety attacks and realised this just isn't for me! I'm a writer, not an accountant or economist and I certainly don't have much knowledge on how to create entire web pages from scratch. I will contribute to these pages, not create them!

Not only did I waste six months of my life studying, I wasted money and valuable time in which I could have been gaining an important insight and experience into my actual passions!

However, I forged valuable friendships, I learnt more about myself, my strengths and my weaknesses and the world of accounting, management and economics.

The friendships I forged in the semester I was studying for are invaluable. This is based on the very true fact that I come from a small seaside community in which multiculturalism in my eyes is virtually non-existent! Even in high school I felt I was living in a bubble, protected from the rest of society, unsure and frightened of venturing outside in other words, I was afraid of gaining a little life experience!

Since beginning study at the University of Wollongong, my bubble burst! Never before had I seen such a vast array of cultures, religions and opinions! However, the majority of my peers were Australian and as always I was the part of the MAJORITY, so generic and normal.

However, the Masters of Commerce showed me that being part of a MINORITY group is invaluable to learning about oneself and appreciating and understanding different aspects of culture and society.

When I sat down in my first lecture at the beginning of this year, I will admit I felt uneasy and even cautious of my actions. I sat in silence and hardly moved the entire lecture.

I looked around...
I looked at my hair...
I looked at my position within the crowd, smack bang in the middle…
platinum blonde!

It appeared that most of my peers were of Chinese and Taiwanese descent. I will admit it took a couple of weeks for me to even have the courage to speak to someone in my class. It was challenging and if you ask my closest friends I am far from the shy and unassuming type! the end, even though I decided to discontinue my Masters in Commerce at the end of this semester, I secured a lifetime of invaluable friendships, late night Skype dates and free accommodation upon arrival in Taiwan. I met the kindest, non-judgemental and beautiful people I have ever met in my life. I even acquired basic accounting and economic skills and was even asked to mentor students in one of the subjects!

I guess the moral of the story is that nothing is a waste. It is such a cliché, follow your passion, learn and grow! Through this blog I plan to explore my passions, pastimes and opinions! I want to do this in order to help myself understand my thoughts and the things I feel, say and do.

In the near future my fiance and I plan to move to Melbourne and attain a position within the field of communication and media. I am so terrified, but am so ready! I have to remember I'm more suited to marketing, media and communications not economics or accounting! Phew! 
Hello world, I am ready and waiting…

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